Our Junior Rockhound/Pebble pup Meetings are on the same evening, and they start at 6pm!
We hope to get more children involved in the earth sciences and rockhounding and geological-minded pursuits, and so we encourage all children to get involved in this amazing hobby.
There will be some kind of an activity that they will be able to do – usually something that will allow them to get closer to earning another “Rock Stars of America” badge and always something that is fun!
You are welcome to bring a snack or beverage for them to enjoy – but we have had to suspend all potlucks due to COVID concerns at this time.
Future Roundhounds of America (FRA) Program
As mentioned above, as of June 2018 we also have a fun badge program to help engage children in this wonderful hobby!
As mentioned on the AFMS website, The Badge Program is one of many American Federation of Mineralogical Society (AFMS) Future Roundhounds of America (FRA) programs designed for club to use in working with youth. The program is designed to reward youth with a series of badges, patches, and a completion pin. For each badge, there are easy to use activity guides.
The address for the Carmichael Public Library is:
5605 Marconi Ave, Carmichael, CA 95608
(interactive map shown at bottom of page)
Phone: 916-662-5819
After the Kids Meeting – the Educational Meeting begins at 7pm! Kids are MORE than welcome to stay for that meeting as well.